Surprises in life and business

Yesterday, I woke up to the sun glistening on snow here in Flagstaff.  It was a beautiful but unusual mid-May event.  This morning, the snow had completely disappeared leaving the sunshine to welcome me when I opened the blinds.  The squirrels were once again scampering on the ground under the bird feeder, waiting for the birds to drop their breakfast to them.

It’s often said by folks here in Flagstaff that if you don’t like the weather, just wait a few hours and it will change.  That’s true of business, and even life, as well.  Surprises happen.  Sometimes they are good ones.  Other times disappointing.  But, they do happen.

The snow was a pleasant surprise in the middle of a beautiful spring.  Today it is only a memory.  We’ve all had surprises in our business.  If they are pleasant ones, we enjoy the moment and savor the memories.  If not so pleasant, we make the most of them and wait until tomorrow when things will be different.

What surprises have you had in your business and life?


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